A successive approximation procedure for complex eigenvalue perturbation problem 广义复特征值摄动问题的逐步逼近法
Then , the program based on complex eigenvalue method was employed to investigate the influence of three parameters on vibration - controlled of cables . final , in term of character of vsd which is strongly dependent on temperature , the method based on lowermost damper of first order vibration - controlled aim at design tiptop temperature and checked at minimum temperature is presented , in which available shear area of damper is calculated 最后,在学习国内外研究成果的基础上,根据粘性剪切型阻尼器的温度依赖性强的特点,提出在设计最高温度下,以满足一阶制振目标的阻尼值下限为标准设计阻尼器插板的有效剪切面积,最后在设计最低温度下复核拉索各阶制振目标是否满足的设计方法。